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Contained list


ElementPropertyColor token
Title: on pagetext color$text-primary
Title: disclosedtext color$text-secondary
Itemtext color$text-primary
Icon (optional)svg$icon-primary
Row dividerborder-bottom$border-subtle*

* Denotes a contextual color token that will change values based on the layer it is placed on.

Enabled states for contained list variants

Example of enabled states for contained list variants.

Interactive states

ElementPropertyColor token
Disabledtext color$text-disabled

* Denotes a contextual color token that will change values based on the layer it is placed on.

States for contained list item rows

Example of states for contained list item rows.

States for contained list inline actions

Example of states for contained list inline actions.


All contained list text should be set in sentence case, with only the first word in a phrase and any proper nouns capitalized.

ElementFont-size (px/rem)Font-weightType token
Title: on page14 / 0.875SemiBold / 600$heading-compact-01
Title: disclosed12 / 0.75Regular / 400$label-01
Item14 / 0.875Regular / 400$body-01


ElementPropertypx / remSpacing token
Header: on pageheight32 / 2$spacing-07
padding-left, padding-right16/1$spacing-05
Header: disclosedheight48/3$spacing-09
padding-left, padding-right16/1$spacing-05
Itempadding-left, padding-right16/1$spacing-05
Icon (optional)height, width16/1
Structure and spacing measurements for the on page list variant.

Structure and spacing measurements for the on page list variant. | px / rem

Structure and spacing measurements for the disclosed list variant.

Structure and spacing measurements for the disclosed list variant. | px / rem

Structure and spacing measurements for height and width of contained list rows.

Structure and spacing measurements for height and width of contained list rows. | px / rem

Structure and spacing measurements for padding and rule alignment of contained lists.

Structure and spacing measurements for padding and rule alignment of contained lists. | px / rem

Structure and spacing measurements for inline actions of contained lists.

Structure and spacing measurements for inline actions of contained lists. | px / rem